Mao / 山本真央
Composer / Keyboard Player
1990年 東京生まれ。
2005年よりロックバンド LIGHT BRINGER でキーボードを担当し、
2011年 キングレコード NEXUSレーベル からメジャーデビュー。
2012年 国立音楽大学卒業。
Mao Yamamoto is a composer, an arranger, and a keyboardist.
In1990, He was born in Tokyo, Japan. He started to learn playing the piano when he was 3 years old.
In 2005, his friends and he formed a rock band "Light Bringer" called "Lovely" by their fans. He plays a keyboard instrument such as an acoustic piano, an electronic piano and a synthesizer.
In 2011, the band made a major debut through NEXUS by KING RECORDS.
In 2012, he graduated from Kunitachi College of Music.
Now, he has composed video game music, has arranged
the background of music for some plays and has supported the recording of other musician's music and their live performances. He has shown high skills on composing
new music by mixing rock music with contemporary music.
His brilliant works have been popular among some people who like music in the world.